Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why a Raven Is Like a Writing Desk

Meaning – life – words - spoken, unspoken.  What does it mean? Where do we begin to find it? On this pathway of life, we are trying to find answers and communicate with others who are on the same track. One exemplified way of beginning to find answers is to listen to other people. It may sound crazy, but by listening to others we may find the answers within ourselves. Some people may have something to say that we disagree with, but by listening to them pour out their hearts, we can find that we truly do disagree, or they might even persuade us to think differently.
In college, we have a unique opportunity to discuss life’s issues with people who are open to thrashing ideas out intellectually. One great way to hear from others and even express your own thoughts is through writing. By getting something on paper I feel we can look back on it and learn from ourselves. The Tyler Notebook is a great place where students can publish their writings and read seasoned student writings. They have poems, short fictions and advanced reads. I highly suggest that you take a look at these writing from other students, who have opinions that we can all learn from. Just always remember, never forget, this one question: “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” – The Mad Hatter.
 - Megan Way

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